Meet Sara
I believe that as individuals, we can only meet others as deeply as we have met ourselves.
How we relate with others is a mirror of how we relate with ourselves.

Only when we dive into the depths of our thoughts, emotions and behaviours, we can understand who we are, and why we see the world, people and ourselves, the way we do.
I join the journey of those who are willing to meet the depths of their souls, so that they can meet the world and people with greater awareness and intention. After all, the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships. This includes, the relationship with ourselves.
As a BACP member, I work to a high quality and ethical framework, attend ongoing clinical supervision, and continuously engage in CPD programs.
I am currently specialising as Psychosexual and Relationships Therapist, and am a COSRT member (College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists).

Sara’s practice is rooted in a deep and genuine interest to help people live more fulfilled lives that they feel in control of.
She provides a safe, empathic, and empowering space where clients can freely process the difficulties they are experiencing.
As an integrative therapist, Sara uses both person-centred and psychodynamic modalities, and draws techniques from other modalities. She offers short-term and long-term counselling.

This means Sara focuses on the client’s needs, believing in their autonomy to make their own decisions, and find their truth. She does not give advice, as no therapist should, but only guides and facilitates the client to find their own answers. The client is the expert of themselves.
This means Sara can support clients to develop greater self-awareness on how their past may be impacting their present. She supports her clients to explore their past and discover parts of themselves that they may be unaware of. Together, they work to bring the unconscious to the conscious.
I am specializing further in Psychosexual and Relationship therapy; in conflicts related to sexuality and relationships.
Psychosexual therapy can help with physical intimacy (sex) issues between you and your partner, and with personal sexual difficulties. Issues such as loss of libido, loss of desire, painful sex, orgasm problems, vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, premature (rapid) ejaculation, delayed ejaculation can be explored. Psychological and emotional factors are explored in therapy, as we also account for any physical factors that may be contributing.

Relationship therapy (couples therapy) can help with difficulties in relationships, such as communication issues, feeling isolated and stuck, drifting away, resentment, loss in intimacy, arguments and conflicts.
Therapy can help by identifying negative patterns and behaviours that keep you and your partner stuck, and offer new tools, perspectives and behaviours to have a fulfilling relationship.

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Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) Psychology
Masters of Sciences (MSc) Social Psychology
Psychotherapy and Counselling Diploma
Member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP)
Student Member of College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT)